The Roles of Parents

As your baby grows, he becomes more mobile and responsive to the people and things around him. As parents, you probably find it more interesting to spend time with him at this stage! At the same time, your presence, love and guidance are crucial to his healthy development. Let's revisit the different roles that parents play in the life of a baby!

Your roles as a ……


To provide basic care for your child, including feeding and ensuring daily hygiene


  • To provide your child with a secure environment and physical measures for safety
  • To maintain your child's emotional stability by fostering harmonious family relationship in the family
  • To have good financial planning for the welfare of your child


To teach your child new knowledge and skills

Role Model

To be a good role model in studies and upholding moral values for your child

Comforter & Supporter

To encourage your child to make various attempts and explorations; always spend time talking and playing with him and sharing his feelings